Parents- Kindergarten Registration packets are due Friday, May 1st! Packets are still available for pick up at the school from 9-1 each day. Beginning today, we will leave some packets outside after 1:00, for parents who may need to come by after our normal office hours. Packets may be returned to the black mailbox just outside the front door, which has been designated K Registration Drop-Off. This box is secured. Also, nominations for the Gifted & Talented Program for this year's 2nd-4th grade students are due May 1st as well. Forms are posted on the RSD website. Please call the Sequoyah Office between 9:00-1:00 if you have any questions. Students who are already participating in this program do not need to be nominated again.
over 4 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
Attention Parents of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders: We are accepting referrals for students to participate in the Russellville School District Gifted & Talented Program. For more information check out our website: To complete the online forms follow these links: Permission to Collect Data & Parent Info: The program is designed to serve high potential students who demonstrate above average (1) intellectual ability, (2) task commitment and/or motivation, and (3) creativity. The process is non-discriminatory and open to all students. For more information contact the GT/AP Coordinator Dana Sumter at or 479.968.3106 between the hours of 9 am-1 pm, and all questions should be forwarded to Mrs. Sumter for the correct distribution of information, thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Russellville School District
Kindergarten Registration for Sequoyah is Monday, April 13th from 9:00-1:00 and from 4:00-6:00. Parents may come to the Sequoyah drive through to obtain registration paperwork. Completed paperwork may be returned to the designated secure box located at the front door. All registrations are due by May 1st.
almost 5 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
kindergarten registration
Sequoyah Parents can pick up their child's medications from Nurse Sarah at school on Monday, April 13th between 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please call the office.
almost 5 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
medicine pickup
On Monday, Mrs. Freeman, our school Library Media Specialist, will going live on Facebook with her first read aloud and lesson! Be ready at 1:00 p.m. for our first AR Diamond read aloud live followed by research links. This book is all about how love can overcome fear. She'll be doing a "live test drive" on Friday! Stay tuned for the Friday's test drive time!
almost 5 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
AR Diamond There Might be Time for Lobsters
AMI Packet Pick-Up Schedules have been posted. Please see times listed for all schools. Dates and times are specific for each elementary school. Please continue to check our school's website for the most current distribution schedule.
almost 5 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
AMI distribution schedule
Parents please be aware of guidelines regarding illnesses. It is very important at this time not to send your children to school if they have had a fever or have not been fever free for at least 24 hours.
almost 5 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
sick guidelines
The Arkansas Department of Education has awarded Sequoyah an A rating on its report card! Congratulations to all Sequoyah teachers, students, and staff!
almost 5 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
A report card
Our school will hold a Grandparents/VIP luncheon next week. Each grade level will have an assigned day that students may invite their grandparents, or a very important person, to Sequoyah for lunch! Grandparents and VIP's are welcome to bring lunch to students or purchase lunch in the cafeteria. An adult lunch from the cafeteria is $3.75. If you wish to eat lunch from our cafeteria, tickets must be purchased in advance. Please send a request for tickets, payment, and your menu choice, to your child's/grandchild's teacher. Tickets may not be purchased at school the day of lunch. The kids are looking forward to this "grand" event!!
almost 5 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
grandparents day lunch
Parents-Don't forget about our Decade Dance tomorrow night! We want to see some awesome decades costumes!
almost 5 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
decade dance reminder
Take a look at our new arrival! If you have been in the building lately, you may have noticed our new Inchy Bookworm Vending Machine. Our vending machine isn't your normal machine loaded with candy and snacks. It's loaded with lots of great reads. This vending machine doesn't take just any type of coins either. Kids can earn tokens to purchase books from Inchy by showing kindness, being a good friend, being respectful, showing effort, collaborating with their classmates, and honesty. The kids are super excited to begin earning coins and purchasing books from Inchy!
almost 5 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
bookworm vending machine
bookworm vending machine
kids with bookworm vending machine
Classes are dismissed on Mon, Jan. 20th in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Classes will resume on Tues., Jan. 21st.
almost 5 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
No school/MLK Day
Tomorrow is Class Picture Day! Be sure to send forms and money to school with your child if you wish to purchase one.
almost 5 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
Class picture day
We are looking forward to seeing all of our students back at school Monday morning! This is also a great time to wash and sanitize backpacks, jackets, coats, and hats before coming back to school for the new year. This helps in preventing the spread of colds and flu throughout our building. We want to keep all of our students and staff healthy! Also, please remember to dress your child properly for the weather each day. Children are outside for recess unless the temperature or wind chill is too cold. Happy 2020!
about 5 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
classes resume
Mrs. McShane, along Mrs. Gina Eason and Dr. Mark Gotcher, accepted our National Blue Ribbon School's Award today in Washington D.C. This is truly an honor for all who teach and work in our building!
about 5 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
Award acceptance
The Sequoyah Robotics Team 5805T won the EXCELLENCE AWARD at Saturday's Henderson State University VEX IQ Challenge Tournament. This is the highest award presented in the VEX IQ challenge. This award is presented to a team that exemplifies overall excellence in creating a high quality robotics program. We are so proud of these students and their accomplishments. This award qualifies this team for the state tournament to be held in March 2020. #Sequoyahproud
about 5 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
Sequoyah Robotics team
Wed, Nov. 13th, the 1st-4th student body will be at The Center for the Arts from approx 8:30-10:30 to watch Magic School Bus performance. Then on Thurs, Nov. 14th the K-4th student body will be at the The Center for the Arts from approx 1:00-2:30 to watch the 2nd grade musical.
about 5 years ago, Brad Beatty
Parents- Please come in and check our lost and found for jackets, lunchboxes, and any other items you may be missing! Kiddos are going to be needing those jackets and coats over the next several days as temperatures are expected to drop.
about 5 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
Lost and found
Parents-we have unusually chilly temperatures forecasted for Friday. Monday and Tuesday of next week also look to be unusually cold with highs in the 30's. Students do go outside to play if temperatures and/or windchills are at or above district approved levels. Please plan on dressing your child for the weather roller coaster ahead!
about 5 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
weather dressing tips
Sequoyah students have begun their very first school wide book study through the One Book, One School-Read to Them Program. You may have seen our first chapter book, The Year of Billy Miller, come home this week. Our goal is for you to read this book with your child or to your child. We want you to discuss and enjoy the story with your child as well. You should have received a schedule to follow so that you know when each chapter(s) should be read. However, we do know that some nights it is hard to squeeze everything in. If you find it hard to read as a family on occasion, Sequoyah now has its own YouTube channel, Sequoyah Elementary-A Happy Place to Learn. On our channel, you will find your favorite staff members reading chapters of The Year of Billy Miller. You will find the link below. Happy Reading!
about 5 years ago, Sequoyah Elementary School
One Book One School