Field trips
Celebration of the 100th day of school
50th Day 0f School
Christmas musical
Study and celebration of Dr. Seuss

First Grade Year:
First Grade is when students really begin to become independent readers. First graders should be able to read 150+ high frequency words by the end of the year. A first grade student should be able to read grade level appropriate books and understand them. Many will begin the transition from picture books to chapter books. Students end the year with improved phonics and reading comprehension skills.
Children in first grade learn to spell three- and four-letter words and write in clear sentences that make sense. By the year’s end, students will form short paragraphs with three or four sentences or more. They can also write basic short stories.
By the end of first grade, a student can count, read, write and sequence numbers up to 100. They also learn how to compare numbers using the symbols for greater than, less than and equal.
First graders also add and subtract small numbers, and they are introduced to the idea of place value as they learn to add and subtract two-digit numbers. As part of that math learning, students in first grade are also taught about measurements and very basic geometry. They compare the length, weight and volume of objects. They measure length using small tools, such as a paper clip or a pencil. Teachers also explain how to identify, compare and describe basic shapes.